.. inclusion-marker-start-do-not-remove Run Horovod =========== This page includes examples for Open MPI that use ``horovodrun``. Check your MPI documentation for arguments to the ``mpirun`` command on your system. Typically one GPU will be allocated per process, so if a server has 4 GPUs, you will run 4 processes. In ``horovodrun``, the number of processes is specified with the ``-np`` flag. To run on a machine with 4 GPUs: .. code-block:: bash $ horovodrun -np 4 -H localhost:4 python train.py To run on 4 machines with 4 GPUs each: .. code-block:: bash $ horovodrun -np 16 -H server1:4,server2:4,server3:4,server4:4 python train.py You can also specify host nodes in a host file. For example: .. code-block:: bash $ cat myhostfile aa slots=2 bb slots=2 cc slots=2 This example lists the host names (aa, bb, and cc) and how many "slots" there are for each. Slots indicate how many processes can potentially execute on a node. This format is the same as in `mpirun command `__. To run on hosts specified in a hostfile: .. code-block:: bash $ horovodrun -np 6 -hostfile myhostfile python train.py Requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Usage of ``horovodrun`` requires one of the following: * Open MPI >= 2.X * Spectrum MPI * MPICH * OpenRTE * Gloo If you do not have MPI installed, you can run ``horovodrun`` using Gloo. Gloo dependencies come with Horovod automatically, and only require CMake to be available on your system at the time you install Horovod. If you wish to use a different version of MPI, you may still be able to run Horovod using `mpirun ` directly. Failures due to SSH issues ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The host where ``horovodrun`` is executed must be able to SSH to all other hosts without any prompts. If ``horovodrun`` fails with a permission error, verify that you can ssh to every other server without entering a password or answering questions like this: ``The authenticity of host ' ()' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?`` To learn more about setting up passwordless authentication, see `this page `__. To avoid ``The authenticity of host ' ()' can't be established`` prompts, add all the hosts to the ``~/.ssh/known_hosts`` file using ``ssh-keyscan``: .. code-block:: bash $ ssh-keyscan -t rsa,dsa server1 server2 > ~/.ssh/known_hosts Advanced: Run Horovod with Open MPI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In some advanced cases you might want fine-grained control over options passed to Open MPI. To learn how to run Horovod training directly using Open MPI, read `Run Horovod with Open MPI `_. .. inclusion-marker-end-do-not-remove