Horovod with Intel(R) oneCCL

To use Horovod with the Intel(R) oneAPI Collective Communications Library (oneCCL), follow the steps below.

  1. Install oneCCL.

To install oneCCL, follow these steps.

Source setvars.sh to start using oneCCL.

source <install_dir>/env/setvars.sh
  1. Install the Intel(R) MPI Library.

To install the Intel MPI Library, follow these instructions.

Source mpivars.sh script to establish the proper environment settings.

source <installdir_MPI>/intel64/bin/mpivars.sh release_mt

  1. Install Horovod from source code

python setup.py build
python setup.py install

or via pip

pip install horovod

Advanced: You can specify the affinity for BackgroundThread with the HOROVOD_THREAD_AFFINITY environment variable. See the instructions below.

Set Horovod background thread affinity according to the rule. If there is N Horovod ranks per node, this variable should contain all the values for every rank using comma as a separator:

export HOROVOD_THREAD_AFFINITY=c0,c1,...,c(N-1)

where c0,…,c(N-1) are core IDs to attach background thread to.

Set the number of oneCCL workers:


where X is the number of threads you’d like to dedicate for driving communication. This means that for every rank there are X oneCCL workers available.

Set oneCCL workers affinity:

export CCL_WORKER_AFFINITY=c0,c1,..,c(X-1)

where c0,c1,..,c(X-1) are core IDs dedicated to oneCCL workers (uses X ‘last’ cores by default). This variable sets affinity for all oneCCL workers (CCL_WORKER_COUNT * Number of ranks per node) that are available for all the ranks running on one node.

For instance, we have 2 nodes and each node has 2 sockets: socket0 CPUs:0-17,36-53 and socket1 CPUs:18-35,54-71. We decide to pin CCL workers to the last two cores of each socket while pinning Horovod background thread to one of the hyper-thread cores of CCL workers’s cores. All these cores are excluded from Intel MPI pinning using I_MPI_PIN_PROCESSOR_EXCLUDE_LIST to dedicate them to CCL and Horovod tasks only, thus avoiding the conflict with framework’s computational threads.

export I_MPI_PIN_PROCESSOR_EXCLUDE_LIST="16,17,34,35,52,53,70,71"
export I_MPI_PIN_DOMAIN=socket
export CCL_WORKER_AFFINITY="16,17,34,35"
mpirun -n 4 -ppn 2 -hostfile hosts python ./run_example.py