Source code for horovod.spark.runner

# Copyright 2019 Uber Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ==============================================================================

import logging
import os
import platform
import queue
import sys
import time

import pyspark

from horovod.common.util import gloo_built
from horovod.runner.util.threads import in_thread
from horovod.spark.common.util import host_hash
from horovod.spark.task import task_service
from horovod.spark.gloo_run import gloo_run, gloo_run_elastic
from horovod.spark.mpi_run import mpi_run
from horovod.runner.launch import is_gloo_used, run_controller
from horovod.runner.common.util import timeout, secret
from horovod.runner.common.util import settings as hvd_settings
from horovod.runner.elastic import settings as hvd_elastic_settings
from horovod.spark.driver import driver_service, host_discovery, job_id


# Spark will fail to initialize correctly locally on Mac OS without this
if platform.system() == 'Darwin':

def _task_fn(index, driver_addresses, key, settings, use_gloo, is_elastic):
    # deserialized on Spark workers, settings do not contain the key, so it is given here explicitly
    # Spark RPC communicates the key and supports encryption
    # for convenience, we put it back into settings
    settings.key = key

    # to simplify things, each task is an individual host in Elastic Horovod on Spark
    # further, each attempt (instance) of a task is an individual host in Elastic Horovod on Spark
    # hides availability of shared memory among executors on the same Spark node
    hosthash = host_hash(salt='{}-{}'.format(index, time.time()) if is_elastic else None)

    # provide host hash to via task service
    # will get this env var set in request env as well
    os.environ['HOROVOD_HOSTNAME'] = hosthash

    task = task_service.SparkTaskService(index, settings.key, settings.nics,
                                         MINIMUM_COMMAND_LIFETIME_S if is_elastic or use_gloo else None,
        driver_client = driver_service.SparkDriverClient(driver_addresses, settings.key, settings.verbose)
        driver_client.register_task(index, task.addresses(), hosthash)

        if not is_elastic:
            task_indices_on_this_host = driver_client.task_host_hash_indices(hosthash)
            local_rank_zero_index = task_indices_on_this_host[0]
            local_rank_zero_index = None

        # In elastic all tasks wait for task shutdown signal from driver.
        # With Gloo all tasks wait for the command to start and terminate.
        # With MPI task with first index executes orted which will run mpirun_exec_fn for all tasks.
        if is_elastic:
            # either terminate on task shutdown or command termination
            shutdown_thread = in_thread(driver_client.wait_for_task_shutdown)

            while shutdown_thread.is_alive():
                # Once the command started we wait for its termination
                if task.check_for_command_start(WAIT_FOR_COMMAND_START_DELAY_SECONDS):
                    if task.command_exit_code() != 0:
                        raise Exception('Command failed, making Spark task fail to restart the task')

                # While no command started, we can shutdown any time
        elif use_gloo or index == local_rank_zero_index:
            # Either Gloo or first task with MPI.
            # The other tasks with MPI need to wait for the first task to finish.
            first_task_addresses = driver_client.all_task_addresses(local_rank_zero_index)
            first_task_client = \
                                             first_task_addresses, settings.key,

        return task.fn_result()
        # we must not call into shutdown too quickly, task clients run a command
        # and want to wait on the result, we have told task service not to return
        # from wait_for_command_termination too quickly, so we are safe here to shutdown
        # clients have had enough time to connect to the service already
        # the shutdown has to block on running requests (wait_for_command_exit_code)
        # so they can finish serving the exit code
        # shutdown does block with network.BasicService._server._block_on_close = True

def _make_mapper(driver_addresses, settings, use_gloo, is_elastic):
    # serialised settings do not have a key so we have to copy it and provide it explicitly here
    key = settings.key

    def _mapper(index, _):
        yield _task_fn(index, driver_addresses, key, settings, use_gloo, is_elastic)

    return _mapper

def _make_spark_thread(spark_context, spark_job_group, driver, result_queue,
                       settings, use_gloo, is_elastic):
    """Creates `settings.num_proc` Spark tasks in a parallel thread."""
    def run_spark():
        """Creates `settings.num_proc` Spark tasks, each executing `_task_fn` and waits for them to terminate."""
            spark_context.setJobGroup(spark_job_group, "Horovod Spark Run", interruptOnCancel=True)
            procs = spark_context.range(0, numSlices=settings.max_np if settings.elastic else settings.num_proc)
            # We assume that folks caring about security will enable Spark RPC encryption,
            # thus ensuring that key that is passed here remains secret.
            mapper = _make_mapper(driver.addresses(), settings, use_gloo, is_elastic)
            result = procs.mapPartitionsWithIndex(mapper).collect()

    spark_thread = in_thread(target=run_spark, daemon=False)
    return spark_thread

def _launch_job(use_mpi, use_gloo, settings, driver, env, stdout=None, stderr=None, executable=None):
    nics = driver.get_common_interfaces()
    executable = executable or sys.executable
    run_controller(use_gloo, lambda: gloo_run(executable, settings, nics, driver, env, stdout, stderr),
                   use_mpi, lambda: mpi_run(executable, settings, nics, driver, env, stdout, stderr),
                   False, lambda: None,

def _register_task_addresses(driver, settings):
    _notify_and_register_task_addresses(driver, settings, notify=False)

def _notify_and_register_task_addresses(driver, settings, notify=True):
    # wait for num_proc tasks to register
    if settings.verbose >= 2:'Initial Spark task registration is complete.')

    def notify_and_register(index):
        task_client = task_service.SparkTaskClient(index,
                                                   settings.key, settings.verbose)

        if notify:

        next_task_index = (index + 1) % settings.num_proc
        next_task_addresses = driver.all_task_addresses(next_task_index)
        task_to_task_addresses = task_client.get_task_addresses_for_task(next_task_index, next_task_addresses)
        driver.register_task_to_task_addresses(next_task_index, task_to_task_addresses)

    for index in driver.task_indices():
        in_thread(notify_and_register, (index,))


    if settings.verbose >= 2:'Spark task-to-task address registration is complete.')

def _get_indices_in_rank_order(driver):
    ranks_to_indices = driver.get_ranks_to_indices()
    return [index for _, index in sorted(ranks_to_indices.items(), key=lambda item: item[0])]

[docs]def run(fn, args=(), kwargs={}, num_proc=None, start_timeout=None, use_mpi=None, use_gloo=None, extra_mpi_args=None, env=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, verbose=1, nics=None, prefix_output_with_timestamp=False, executable=None): """ Runs Horovod on Spark. Runs `num_proc` processes executing `fn` using the same amount of Spark tasks. Args: fn: Function to run. args: Arguments to pass to `fn`. kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to `fn`. num_proc: Number of Horovod processes. Defaults to `spark.default.parallelism`. start_timeout: Timeout for Spark tasks to spawn, register and start running the code, in seconds. If not set, falls back to `HOROVOD_SPARK_START_TIMEOUT` environment variable value. If it is not set as well, defaults to 600 seconds. extra_mpi_args: Extra arguments for mpi_run. Defaults to no extra args. env: Environment dictionary to use in Horovod run. stdout: Horovod stdout is redirected to this stream. Defaults to sys.stdout when used with MPI. stderr: Horovod stderr is redirected to this stream. Defaults to sys.stderr when used with MPI. verbose: Debug output verbosity (0-2). Defaults to 1. nics: List of NICs for tcp network communication. prefix_output_with_timestamp: shows timestamp in stdout/stderr forwarding on the driver executable: Optional executable to run when launching the workers. Defaults to `sys.executable`. Returns: List of results returned by running `fn` on each rank. """ if start_timeout is None: # Lookup default timeout from the environment variable. start_timeout = int(os.getenv('HOROVOD_SPARK_START_TIMEOUT', '600')) # nics needs to be a set if nics and not isinstance(nics, set): nics = set(nics) tmout = timeout.Timeout(start_timeout, message='Timed out waiting for {activity}. Please check that you have ' 'enough resources to run all Horovod processes. Each Horovod ' 'process runs in a Spark task. You may need to increase the ' 'start_timeout parameter to a larger value if your Spark resources ' 'are allocated on-demand.') settings = hvd_settings.Settings(verbose=verbose, extra_mpi_args=extra_mpi_args, key=secret.make_secret_key(), start_timeout=tmout, nics=nics, run_func_mode=True, prefix_output_with_timestamp=prefix_output_with_timestamp) spark_context = pyspark.SparkContext._active_spark_context if spark_context is None: raise Exception('Could not find an active SparkContext, are you ' 'running in a PySpark session?') if num_proc is None: num_proc = spark_context.defaultParallelism if settings.verbose >= 1:'Running %d processes (inferred from spark.default.parallelism)...', num_proc) else: if settings.verbose >= 1:'Running %d processes...', num_proc) settings.num_proc = num_proc result_queue = queue.Queue(1) # start Spark driver service and launch settings.num_proc Spark tasks spark_job_group = '' % job_id.next_job_id() driver = driver_service.SparkDriverService(settings.num_proc, settings.num_proc, fn, args, kwargs, settings.key, settings.nics) gloo_is_used = is_gloo_used(use_gloo=use_gloo, use_mpi=use_mpi, use_jsrun=False) spark_thread = _make_spark_thread(spark_context, spark_job_group, driver, result_queue, settings, use_gloo=gloo_is_used, is_elastic=False) try: # wait for all tasks to register, notify them and initiate task-to-task address registration _notify_and_register_task_addresses(driver, settings) # Determine the index grouping based on host hashes. # Barrel shift until index 0 is in the first host. host_hashes = list(driver.task_host_hash_indices().keys()) host_hashes.sort() while 0 not in driver.task_host_hash_indices()[host_hashes[0]]: host_hashes = host_hashes[1:] + host_hashes[:1] settings.hosts = ','.join('%s:%d' % (host_hash, len(driver.task_host_hash_indices()[host_hash])) for host_hash in host_hashes) # Run the job _launch_job(use_mpi, use_gloo, settings, driver, env, stdout, stderr, executable) except: # Terminate Spark job. spark_context.cancelJobGroup(spark_job_group) # Re-raise exception. raise finally: spark_thread.join() driver.shutdown() # Make sure Spark Job did not fail. driver.check_for_spark_job_failure() # get ranks from driver indices_in_rank_order = _get_indices_in_rank_order(driver) # If there's no exception, execution results are in this queue. results = result_queue.get_nowait() return [results[index] for index in indices_in_rank_order]
[docs]def run_elastic(fn, args=(), kwargs={}, num_proc=None, min_np=None, max_np=None, start_timeout=None, elastic_timeout=None, reset_limit=None, env=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, verbose=1, nics=None, prefix_output_with_timestamp=False): """ Runs Elastic Horovod on Spark. Runs `num_proc` processes executing `fn` using the same amount of Spark tasks. Args: fn: Function to run. args: Arguments to pass to `fn`. kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to `fn`. num_proc: Number of Horovod processes. Defaults to `spark.default.parallelism`. start_timeout: Timeout for Spark tasks to spawn, register and start running the code, in seconds. If not set, falls back to `HOROVOD_SPARK_START_TIMEOUT` environment variable value. If it is not set as well, defaults to 600 seconds. elastic_timeout: Timeout for elastic initialisation after re-scaling the cluster. If not set, falls back to `HOROVOD_ELASTIC_TIMEOUT` environment variable value. If it is not set as well, defaults to 600 seconds. reset_limit: Maximum number of resets after which the job is terminated. env: Environment dictionary to use in Horovod run. Defaults to `os.environ`. stdout: Horovod stdout is redirected to this stream. stderr: Horovod stderr is redirected to this stream. verbose: Debug output verbosity (0-2). Defaults to 1. nics: List of NICs for tcp network communication. prefix_output_with_timestamp: shows timestamp in stdout/stderr forwarding on the driver Returns: List of results returned by running `fn` on each rank. """ if not gloo_built(verbose=(verbose >= 2)): raise ValueError('Gloo support is required to use elastic training, but has not been built. Ensure CMake is ' 'installed and reinstall Horovod with HOROVOD_WITH_GLOO=1 to debug the build error.') spark_context = pyspark.SparkContext._active_spark_context if spark_context is None: raise Exception('Could not find an active SparkContext, are you ' 'running in a PySpark session?') if start_timeout is None: # Lookup default timeout from the environment variable. start_timeout = int(os.getenv('HOROVOD_SPARK_START_TIMEOUT', '600')) # nics needs to be a set if nics and not isinstance(nics, set): nics = set(nics) if num_proc is None: # TODO: #2023 try spark.dynamicAllocation.initialExecutors num_proc = spark_context.defaultParallelism if verbose >= 1:'Running %d processes (inferred from spark.default.parallelism)...', num_proc) else: if verbose >= 1:'Running %d processes...', num_proc) if min_np is None: # TODO: #2023 try spark.dynamicAllocation.minExecutors min_np = num_proc if max_np is None: # TODO: #2023 try spark.dynamicAllocation.maxExecutors max_np = num_proc # start Spark driver service and launch settings.num_proc Spark tasks key = secret.make_secret_key() spark_job_group = '' % job_id.next_job_id() driver = driver_service.SparkDriverService(num_proc, max_np, fn, args, kwargs, key, nics) discovery = host_discovery.SparkDriverHostDiscovery(driver) tmout = timeout.Timeout(start_timeout, message='Timed out waiting for {activity}. Please check that you have ' 'enough resources to run all Horovod processes. Each Horovod ' 'process runs in a Spark task. You may need to increase the ' 'start_timeout parameter to a larger value if your Spark resources ' 'are allocated on-demand.') settings = hvd_elastic_settings.ElasticSettings(discovery=discovery, min_np=min_np, max_np=max_np, elastic_timeout=elastic_timeout, reset_limit=reset_limit, num_proc=num_proc, verbose=verbose, key=key, start_timeout=tmout, nics=nics, run_func_mode=True, prefix_output_with_timestamp=prefix_output_with_timestamp) result_queue = queue.Queue(1) # launch settings.num_proc / settings.max_np Spark tasks spark_thread = _make_spark_thread(spark_context, spark_job_group, driver, result_queue, settings, use_gloo=True, is_elastic=True) try: # Register task addresses of initial num_proc tasks _register_task_addresses(driver, settings) # Run the job gloo_run_elastic(settings, driver, env, stdout, stderr) except: # Terminate Spark job. spark_context.cancelJobGroup(spark_job_group) # Re-raise exception. raise finally: spark_thread.join() driver.shutdown() # Make sure Spark Job did not fail. driver.check_for_spark_job_failure() # get ranks from driver indices_in_rank_order = _get_indices_in_rank_order(driver) # If there's no exception, execution results are in this queue. results = result_queue.get_nowait() return [results[index] for index in indices_in_rank_order]